27.01.2006 18:00:00 CET

TOUAX : Capital increase without preferential rights reserved for SALVEPAR

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Capital increase through the issue of 120,600 new shares

Placement price: E20.73 per new share

Société Alsacienne et Lorraine de valeurs d'Entreprises et de Participations - SALVEPAR - is a listed company owned 51% by Société Générale. For regulatory reasons outside of their control, it was unable to take part in the capital increase effected on 28 November 2005 and it has expressed a wish to subscribe to the capital of TOUAX.

With the authorization of the combined general meeting of 30 January 2006, TOUAX SCA has reserved for SALVEPAR the subscription of 120,600 shares at the issue price of E20.73, i.e. the same unit price as in the previous capital increase. This subscription corresponds to 3.20% of the current capital of TOUAX, which comprises 3,764,919 shares of a par value of E8.

This operation will increase the capital to E31,084,152, comprising 3,885,519 shares of E8 each.

TOUAX is listed in Paris on EURONEXT - Eurolist Compartment C (ISIN code FR0000033003) and is part of the Next Prime quality segment of EURONEXT.





Tel: +33 1 46 96 18 00


Sébastien BERRET


Tel: +33 1 53 67 35 77