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Grieg Seafood ASA: Suspicion of Infectious salmon anemia (ISA) confirmed at site 10828 Kleppenes in Hammerfest

The Norwegian Veterinary Institute (Veterinærinstituttet) has confirmed outbreak of Infectious salmon anemia (ISA) at Grieg Seafood's site Kleppenes in Hammerfest. The site has currently 1.3 million fish with an average weight of 0.985 kg.
As per notice of decision by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) 3rd January 2017 harvest/destruction of all fish at this site has been imposed within 31st January 2017. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority was at Kleppenes, doing an inspection, at 2nd January 2017.
Grieg Seafood Finnmark has implemented a plan for harvesting/destruction of all fish at this site as soon as possible and feasible.
Subsequently the site will be laid fallow and made ready for new smolt input spring/summer 2017.
Preliminary estimates indicate that this will yield a negative one-off effect on Q4 2016 accounts amounting to approximately MNOK 25. Further preliminary estimates indicate that harvest volume for 2017 will be reduced by 3000 tons. For 2018 reduced harvest volume early in the year will be offset by increased volume towards the end of the year due to new smolt input at the abovementioned site.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.